TASK meets the last Wednesday of each month. Learn, network and develop your career
Bringing together the Toronto security community since 2004
Scheduled events
TASK is live and in person with streaming available over Discord (please see schedule for details)
Until further notice TASK is held the last Wednesday of each month at 6pm at TMU:
Location: Room 208, Daphne Cockwell Complex, TMU, 288 Church Street*
*Please check individual TASK events to confirm location.
Toronto’s Security User Group TASK – Toronto Area Security Klatch, provides a forum for experts to encourage discussion and share expertise in understanding the latest trends and security threats facing computer networks, systems and data.
Our membership includes Information Security practitioners, managers, network administrators, students, and anyone who is interested in learning more about securing information.
If you would like to become a member, simply submit your name and email. We’ll email you each month with the updated session details and meeting location.
TASK meets the last Wednesday of each month, and membership is free.
Become a member

Our values
About Us
The Toronto Area Security Klatch is an informal get-together of Information Security professionals (and those who want to be professional) that is held monthly in the Greater Toronto Area.
We meet to discuss issues that we all share in common, including:
New technologies and products that impact information security
Emerging threats, and the vulnerabilities being exploited
Managing security
New laws and regulations
Our mandate is simple: to encourage discussion and share expertise in understanding the latest trends and security threats facing organizations today and in the future.
We support this mandate by providing a non-biased forum to discuss issues. We do not focus on any particular technology or vendor.
Membership in TASK is free, and we encourage full and active participation. If you have a suggestion on how to improve TASK, topics to cover or other comments, we invite you to share it. In addition, we are always looking for individuals willing to take an active role in TASK. Please contact the Steering Committee for details on how get involved.
Meeting Format
TASK meets the last Wednesday of every month in a central downtown location; check the main page for updates or changes.
Our meetings are three hours long, and follow the general format of:
6:00 - 6:15 Announcements, acknowledgement of our sponsors and general house keeping
6:15 - 7:00 First speaker
7:00 - 7:15 Q&A
7:15 - 7:45 Break
7:45 - 8:30 Second speaker
8:30 - 8:45 Q&A
8:45 - 9:00 Networking and closing remarks
During meetings we ask everyone to turn off the audible alarms on their cell phones, Blackberries, PDAs, and other cool gizmos.
In addition, TASK has adopted a Code of Conduct to help ensure that meetings go smoothly, and that everyone can benefit from the information that is available.
Become a sponsor
TASK is a non-profit organization that is actively seeking new sponsors to support the expansion of our group, improve meeting facilities, and increase public awareness of our mandate. All funds raised are reinvested back into the supporting TASK.
Sponsoring TASK provides your organization with an opportunity to:
Broaden your exposure among a highly targeted audience of Information Security experts
Improve time to market and brand recognition of your services and products
Decrease your cost of sales and Increase revenue
As a TASK sponsor you can reach out to:
Over 4,000 members who receive our mailings
Over 2,000 LinkedIn discussion group members
An average of 150-200 attendees at monthly meetings
** numbers based on membership as of October 2019, only valid email addresses counted.
These continue to grow. **
Contact Steering Committee for details.
Single Event Sponsorship
Inclusion in event announcement e-mails
Acknowledgement at meeting
10 minute segment between talks to discuss your solution and/or do a draw
Mention on website events page, with link to your site
Acknowledgement at meetings
Be the event sponsor twice during the year.
Corporate logo and link to your website on the footer of all TASK pages
Your logo included on all TASK printed material, promotional material and banners
Your company logo promoted as a TASK sponsor at any events or trade shows TASK runs a booth at
Get in touch
Please use the form below if you have any comments, questions, or suggestions.
Fields marked with an * are required